Posts Tagged ‘Attitude’

October 15th, 2009 - 12:00 am § in mindset and mentality

Positive Change

Most people know and understand that being positive is beneficial for us, yet it appears that there is always someone trying to rain on our parade. I would say that in the beginning, trying to be positive is like searching for silence in a noisy world. The world just appears so loud, overwhelming, a[...]

August 18th, 2008 - 12:00 am § in mindset and mentality

Attitude, Personality, Mindset, Perception

My mother once told me that if I want to change my luck and future, it all beings with changing my attitude, personality, mindset, and perception. As I started to correct flaws and enhance strengths in my character, I began to understand what she was talking about. In our current society, we tend to[...]